android 日历_适用于Android的十大最佳日历应用
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android 日历

Looking for the best calendar apps for Android? You’re in the right place! Let’s get right into the top 10 best calendar apps for your Android device today.

寻找适用于Android的最佳日历应用程序? 您来对地方了! 让我们立即了解适用于您的Android设备的十大最佳日历应用程序。

适用于Android设备的最佳日历应用 (The Best Calendar Apps for Android Devices)

Too busy? Then you are in dire need of the perfect calendar app! This list is in no particular order. I have picked out the best calendar apps for Android which had the easiest usability and didn’t waste your time in setting those apps up.

太忙了? 然后,您迫切需要完美的日历应用程序! 该列表没有特别的顺序。 我选择了适用于Android的最佳日历应用程序,这些应用程序具有最简单的易用性,并且不会浪费您的时间来设置这些应用程序。

10. :最佳Android日历应用程序,带有简洁,最小的UI (10. : Best Calendar App for Android with a Clean and Minimal UI)

Calendar Widget
Calendar Widget

The Calendar Widget by Home Agenda comes with many different interfaces to view your future commitments. It is simplistic and offers customization which can help you find the best settings for you.

Home Agenda的Calendar Widget具有许多不同的界面,可以查看您的未来承诺。 它很简单,提供自定义功能,可以帮助您找到最佳设置。

The user interfaces are easy to use, making it a breeze to check appointments and upcoming events. It is easy to add appointments and you can choose themes.

用户界面易于使用,检查约会和即将发生的事件变得轻而易举。 添加约会很容易,您可以选择主题。

While the app is free to download, you can pay $1.99 to better customization options.


9. :适合自定义用户的最佳日历应用程序 (9. : Best Calendar App for People who Love Customization)

Acalendar App
aCalendar App
aCalendar App

Having the same old, boring calendar is not an option when you get the choice to customize it to your heart’s content. With aCalendar, customize the view of your calendar, the fonts, the themes, and a lot more. With a retro design, you get an app in which you can make your own unique part of the day.

当您选择根据自己的喜好自定义日历时,就不会选择使用相同的旧的无聊日历。 使用日历,可以自定义日历的视图,字体,主题等。 通过复古的设计,您将获得一个应用程序,在其中可以使自己的一天变得独一无二。

The aCalendar app is a must-download if personalizing things is what you love. The app by itself free to download and it costs $0.99 to remove the in-app ads.

如果您喜欢个性化设置,则必须下载aCalendar应用。 该应用程序本身可以免费下载,删除应用程序内广告的费用为0.99美元。

8. :适用于Android的最佳日历应用,可结合待办事项列表和日历 (8. : Best Calendar app for Android to Combine Todo List and Calendar)

Any Do Calendar
Any Do Calendar

Your to-do list tells you the things you are supposed to do. Meanwhile, your calendar tells you the time commitments you have coming up.

您的待办事项清单会告诉您您应该做的事情。 同时,您的日历会告诉您所要做出的时间承诺。

Wouldn’t it make sense if both things were combined?


Any.do is exactly the answer for you. This app combines your to-do list with your calendar.

Any.do正是您的答案。 该应用程序将您的待办事项列表与日历结合在一起。

Further, it provides you suggestions so that you can manage both your commitments and to-do tasks. It is a clean app for those who don’t wish to use multiple apps for simple tasks.

此外,它为您提供建议,以便您可以管理承诺和待办事项。 对于那些不想将多个应用程序用于简单任务的人来说,这是一个干净的应用程序。

Further, it syncs with the Google Calendar so that your commitments are updated. You can get custom themes and recurring tasks along with a lot of additional functionality for the $2.99 subscription for the pro version.

此外,它与Google日历同步,以便更新您的承诺。 专业版的价格为2.99美元,您可以获取自定义主题和重复执行的任务以及许多其他功能。

7. :适用于Android的协作日历应用程序 (7. : The Collaborative Calendar App for Android)

Timetree Calendar
Timetree Calendar

The TimeTree Calendar app is built on the idea of making the process of sharing appointments with others easier. It allows you to build separate calendars for different purposes, and share it with others for coordinating and collaborating.

TimeTree日历应用程序基于简化与他人共享约会的过程的想法。 它使您可以为不同目的构建单独的日历,并与其他人共享以进行协调和协作。

You can also be invited by others when they create a calendar. What’s more? You can also coordinate with people who do not use TimeTree. With basic customising options,

其他人创建日历时也可以邀请您。 更重要的是? 您还可以与不使用TimeTree的人员进行协调。 通过基本的自定义选项,

TimeTree is a good choice is you constantly need to coordinate your schedules with others. The app comes for free and is supported by advertisements.

TimeTree是一个不错的选择,因为您经常需要与他人协调时间表。 该应用程序是免费提供的,并受广告支持。

6. :用于自定义移动中的约会 (6. : For customizing appointments on the move)

Business Calendar
Business Calendar

While the name could have been more appealing, the app is surely one of the best Android calendars. It offers five main ways to view your calendar with on-screen customizations.

虽然名称可能更吸引人,但该应用程序无疑是最好的Android日历之一。 它提供了五种通过屏幕自定义查看日历的主要方法。

The interface is very user friendly and setting appointments is simple. It also allows for setting appointments by voice. The app allows you to customize the color themes, event options, and the interface of the calendar.

该界面非常用户友好,并且设置约会很简单。 它还允许通过语音设置约会。 该应用程序允许您自定义颜色主题,事件选项和日历界面。

The more you dig, the better you can make the app suit your needs. While the app is free to download, you can get the pro version for $7 which gives you the weather forecasts and advanced widgets.

您挖掘的越多,就越能使该应用程序适合您的需求。 虽然该应用程序是免费下载的,但您只需花7美元即可获得专业版,该版本可为您提供天气预报和高级小部件。

5. : 简单性和可定制性的最佳日历 ( 5. : Best Calendar With a Balance of Simplicity and Customizability)

Digical Calendar
Digical Calendar

This app is simple, aesthetic, and customizable. The fonts are big and crips, with the weather forecasts displayed for each day. The interface is easy to navigate and easier to personalize to your liking.

该应用程序简单,美观且可自定义 。 字体大而易变,每天都会显示天气预报。 该界面易于浏览,更易于个性化。

By default, the app has the month and agenda view, but it offers a wide variety of optional views which can be chosen at will. It also comes with highly customizable widgets. It utilizes the native Android calendar, which means any sync is performed with the help of the Google Calendar. DigiCal is free to download.

默认情况下,该应用程序具有月视图和议程视图,但是它提供了多种可选视图,可以随意选择。 它还带有高度可定制的小部件。 它利用了原生的Android日历,这意味着任何同步都是在Google日历的帮助下进行的。 DigiCal是免费下载的。

However, you need to pay $5 in-app to disable ads which starts a week after you start using the app.


4. :Android最佳日历通知应用程序 (4. : Best Calendar Notifications App for Android)


Calendar Notify comes as a calendar app with a sleek modern look. It includes a full suite for customizing your interface while being easy to navigate.

Calendar Notify是一款具有时尚外观的日历应用程序。 它包括一套完整的套件,可在轻松浏览的同时自定义您的界面。

The app has regular support for Google Calendar, allowing users to sync events and appointments. Further, it provides a great degree of control to the users over their calendars. While you can get the app for free, you can upgrade to the pro version at $5.49 for improved customization.

该应用程序定期支持Google日历,允许用户同步事件和约会。 此外,它为用户提供了对其日历的高度控制。 虽然您可以免费获得该应用程序,但可以以5.49美元的价格升级到专业版,以改进自定义设置。

3. :时间怪胎的最佳日历 (3. : Best Calendar for the Time Freaks)


The monthly view on many calendar apps is usually the most inefficient part of the design. Things are often crowded without providing enough data for the schedule to make sense for the user.

在许多日历应用程序中,按月查看通常是设计中效率最低的部分。 事情常常很拥挤,而没有提供足够的数据以使时间表对用户有意义。

But CloudCal solved the issue with an interesting doughnut-like design choice. Every day in the month has the events represented by a doughnut graph, while the agenda view is given in the bottom half of the screen.

但是CloudCal通过一个有趣的类似于甜甜圈的设计选择解决了这个问题。 一个月中的每一天都有由甜甜圈图表示的事件,而议程视图在屏幕的下半部分给出。

This allows you to know how busy each day is at a single glance. It is really important when you wish to schedule future events.

这使您一眼就能知道每天有多忙。 当您希望安排将来的事件时,这一点非常重要。

While you can get the app for free, you can upgrade to the pro version at $3.49 for even better features.

虽然您可以免费获得该应用,但您可以以$ 3.49的价格升级到专业版,以获取更好的功能。

2. :Android的基本日历应用程序 (2. : The Basic Calendar App for Android)

Calengoo Calendar App For Android
Calengoo Calendar App For Android

This calendar app does not offer a lot of features, but it offers the basic ones in the best possible manner. It has support for the Google Calendar, allowing you to sync events and appointments from the Google calendar to the CalenGoo app.

该日历应用程序不提供很多功能,但以最佳方式提供了基本功能。 它支持Google日历,使您可以将事件和约会从Google日历同步到CalenGoo应用程序。

Other features include customization and event options as well as recurring appointments. Further, you can share your calendar with friends or family. While you can get the app for a free trial, you can upgrade to the pro version at $5.99 for improved features.

其他功能包括自定义和事件选项以及定期约会。 此外,您可以与朋友或家人共享日历。 虽然您可以免费试用该应用程序,但可以以5.99美元的价格升级到专业版,以获取改进的功能。

1. :Android的默认日历应用 (1. : Android’s Default Calendar App)

Google Calendar
Google Calendar

When you own an Android phone, it is based on Google’s ecosystem. And nothing integrates with the Android ecosystem better than a Google app – the Google Calendar. It automatically pulls events from other Google apps such as Gmail which makes setting reminders manually an obsolete task.

当您拥有Android手机时,它将基于Google的生态系统。 没有什么比Google应用程序更好地与Android生态系统集成的了Google日历。 它会自动从其他Google应用程序(例如Gmail)中提取事件,从而使手动设置提醒成为一项过时的任务。

It is integrated to work with the Google assistant making it easy to set reminders by voice. And above everything, it is free, efficient and comes with strong support from Google. The Google Calendar is one of the best calendar apps for Android since when it started!

它与Google助手集成在一起,可轻松设置语音提醒。 最重要的是,它是免费,高效的,并得到了Google的大力支持。 自启动以来,Google日历是Android最好的日历应用程序之一!

最终裁决 (Final Verdict)

What’s a top 10 list without a verdict? Here’s my take on the list. I use two apps from the list for my daily tasks:

没有裁决的前十名名单是什么? 这是我的清单。 我将列表中的两个应用程序用于日常任务:

  • Any.do

  • Google Calendar


If I had to choose one, that would simply be Google Calendar. And its for one reason that Google Calendar is just right there. You don’t have to install anything new, nor do you have to work to set it up.

如果我必须选择一个,那就是Google日历。 这也是Google日历就在其中的一个原因。 您无需安装任何新东西,也无需进行设置。

However, if you want to choose an app apart from Google, CloudCal would be a great choice! It’s the only one on the list that will tell your schedule on the calendar, in a time-based format.

但是,如果您想选择Google以外的应用程序, CloudCal将是一个不错的选择! 它是列表中唯一以时间为基础的日历上的日程安排表。

Now it’s your turn…


There are 1000s of Calendar apps on the Google Play Store. Which ones do you use? Let us know in the comments below!

Google Play商店中有1000多种“日历”应用。 您使用哪个? 在下面的评论中让我们知道!


android 日历


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